Kayo Yoshikawa

Kayo Yoshikawa's picture
Senior Lector I
434 Temple Street, Room 302B, New Haven, CT 06511

Kayo Yoshikawa received her MA in English at Tokyo’s Meiji Gakuin University and earned a Ph.D. in English Literature at Showa Women’s University.  After completing her MA in English literature as well as teaching certificate in Japanese at Southern Connecticut State University, she taught all levels of Japanese language and served as the Japanese language program coordinator at SCSU for more than 20 years. She has also taught university-level English composition and literature at various institutions around Connecticut since 2004. Her research focuses on avant-gardism in Anglo-American literary modernism, specifically on its cross-cultural elements. She has published on twentieth-century poetics and coauthored the first Japanese-language critical anthology of Mina Loy, the multi-lingual modernist poet and artist, that unites her writings with critical essays on her oeuvre and works of art. 

Office Hours:

Thursday 12 ~ 1 pm or by appointment