EALL grad student Riley Soles presenting at the workshop.
EALL grad student Riley Soles presenting at the workshop.
Visiting EALL/Stanford grad student Luciana Sanga presenting at the workshop.
Harvard grad student Ethan Bushelle presenting at the workshop.
EALL grad student Ashton Lazarus presenting at the workshop.
EALL grad student Ashton Lazarus presenting at the workshop.
EALL Professor Ed Kamens and the graduate student panel at the workshop.
The graduate student panel at the workshop.
Professor Araki Hiroshi of Nichibunken presenting at the workshop.
Professor Araki Hiroshi of Nichibunken presenting at the workshop.
EALL Professor Ed Kamens addressing the workshop.
March 4, 2013
Day two of the Waka Workshop hosted at Yale University, March 1-2, 2013.